Hello, I'm Brett
I am a Full-Stack Developer
My Résumé-
Social Media App
A social media application similar to Facebook and Reddit. (Web page may take a moment to load)
Built with: React and NodeJS
Twitch.tv Lookup
A Twitch.tv streamer profile lookup tool for streamers and viewers
Built with: React
A fun little card memory game! The objective is to match all the cards with their corresponding symbols!
Built with: Svelte
- Javascript
- P#
- C++
- React
- Svelte
- Node
Soft Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Creative Problem Solving
- Dependability and Reliability
- Easily Adaptable
- Strong Communication
- Self Sufficient
About Me
Who I am
My name is Brett Brennan. I am a Full-Stack Developer who loves to develop websites, apps and on occasion games.
What I know
I am experienced in several programming and scripting languages such as; C++, C#, PHP and Javascript. I originally started my adventure of web development in high school with a web design course that taught HTML and CSS, after which I eventually migrated to C++ to learn how to develop video games. After a renewed interested in my passion of creating websites I jumped into the world of Javascript and Frameworks such as; React, Svelte and Node. I quickly fell in love with the new landscape of websites and applications and continue to learn everything I can further my skills.